With the end of the year upon us, retrospectives and top [insert random number here] lists have been cropping up all over the place. I don't usually do a top whatever list, but I've seen some pretty crazy-ass entries on some lists lately and felt the need to make my own preferences clear. Seriously,
Here are my picks... (They're numbered, but there really isn't any particular order. I just picked ten and plopped them in there wherever.)
The Good WifeI'm sure you're all sick to death of hearing about my love for
The Good Wife, but what can I say? It really is the best show on network TV and can hold its own against cable. It does a better job balancing its elements than just about any other show on air, taking wha

t could have been a standard legal procedural and turning it into a captivating drama that borders on a serial. When the show was first pitched, they aimed for 60% courtroom A-plots, 40% serial B-plots. I heard in an interview though that those values were ultimately reversed, and I think that's the key to its excellence (and probably a bit of why its ratings aren't where they should be). Your average middle-American apparently doesn't like to have to remember anything about anything week-to-week, which is why straight-up procedurals do so well here. Well, I hate procedurals, as you'll probably notice from their scarcity on this list. Give me a good serial any day, thanks.
The Good Wife has it all and delivers every single week. Kudos, CBS, for doing something right for once.
TerriersYet another show you're probably sick of hearing about, but its warranted. I'm bummed beyond belief that this true gem won't be back for a second season, but I commend FX for airing the entire season in spite of dismal ratings (the show would have

been pulled from network TV after 1 episode) and for manning up and telling us it was canceled right after the finale, rather than casually pretending the show had a chance until the last minute. Funny, dramtic, touching, intriguing, and addictive,
Terriers will go down in TV history as one of the very best shows to be cut down in its prime. Assuming it makes it to DVD, I suspect this is a show that people will discover all too late. Here's hoping Donal Logue finds another project that showcases his true acting chops the way this one did.
CW Thursdays (The Vampire Diaries and Nikita)
Who'd have ever guessed that the CW, the little network that usually can't, would be the place for must-see TV on Thursdays (one of the biggest nights for programming)? These

two series could easily have garnered individual spots on this list, but there's just something about having them back to back that makes the experience of each even richer. TVD hasn't experienced a sophomore slump at all (amazingly, given how fast they burn through story), and
Nikita has been the surprise winner of the fall pilot season. Indeed, I think it's about the only network show I kept this year (what with
Lone Star getting canceled and all). Hats off to the CW, where little shows with little followings can actually succeed.
JustifiedMan alive, I'm so excited for this one to come back (February 9th)! Season 1 seems like ages ago. This show isn't quite

like anything else on the air right now and somehow managed to make the western cool. It's a great serial with a stellar cast that has a very different flavor that most other programming. It's a breath of fresh Kentucky air (yeah, yeah, I know it isn't actually filmed there) that helps add something different to my slate of shows. From what I'm hearing, season 2 looks to be just as engaging and awesome as the first, so if you haven't checked this show out yet, you have about six weeks to get crackin'.
I wanted to make sure to include at least one comedy on this list, and while
Family is incredibly well done, its second season hasn't been as hilarious as its first, whereas
Community has reached new levels of awesome in its sophomore year. Henceforth,
Community makes the cut. It really is the best comedy on air right now and is deserving of
much better ratings than it gets. Seriously, people, it blows
The Big Bang Theory out of the water and is a much better (and funnier) way to spend an evening.
Boardwalk Empire
A lot of people were ultimately underwhelmed by the narrative (even if they we

re blown away by the visuals), but I really got sucked into this one. I'm a little surprised at how much I enjoyed this one given my general lack of caring about gangsters. It's pacing was slower than most people would have preferred, but I found the slow burn captivating. There were elements that were underwhelming, I grant that, but overall, it's one of the most accomplished and expertly executed shows out there. Also, the fact that it airs on HBO and isn't in any danger of cancellation certainly helps get me invested in a show. I'm more willing to give a show time if I know it'll actually be around next week.
Nurse Jackie
Yet another show that feels like it's been gone for ages,
Nurse Jackie has been on my favorites list since I saw the first 10

minutes of the pilot. Showtime has built an empire around quirky leading ladies, but Edie Falco tops them all. Sharp, funny, dark as hell, and incredibly dramatic, somehow
Nurse Jackie manages to weave everything together in a seamless way, and in only 26 minutes. Here's hoping season 3 keeps the excellence ball rolling. What can I say? I've missed Jackie's style of justice lately and I can't wait to see how her intervention from the finale is going to play out in the coming season. Life really is full of little pricks, and Jackie is just the person to deal with them.
Doctor Who
I love British television. It was hard to pin down which of their stellar shows to include on this list, but my first venture into the

wonderful world of
Doctor Who takes the cake.
Being Human got a little soapy and uneven in its second season, otherwise it also would have made the cut. I had only had a smattering of experience with the
Doctor Who franchise until now, but I truly got sucked into this one. Matt Smith is charming and delightful as the Doctor and his chemistry with his companion Amy Pond was cheeky and exciting from beginning to end. Every episode had something special to offer, even in their less successful outings (which were still better than a lot of shows' best episodes). Adding international fare to your line-up is a great way to add something new and fresh and
Doctor Who succeeds in spades. It's a hell of a lot of fun, but has some serious drama to boot. Cheers!
CastleI really enjoy this show, but I had to really think about putting it on this list or not. It's a fun slice of escapism, but at its core, it's a procedural... and we all know how I feel about

procedurals. Granted, this one is a lot better than most, but it still doesn't have the appeal of a good serial for me. I ultimately put it on this list because I genuinely look forward to it each week, even if it has a fair bit of fluff. The show doesn't take itself too seriously and knows how to have fun, which, after looking at some of the heavier options on this list, I really need from time to time. Plus, anything with Nathan Fillion has to get a mention somewhere (well, maybe not Drive, but who's splitting hairs?).
USA Network Programming
(Well, most of it anyway. Specifically: Burn Notice, In Plain Sight, White Collar, and Covert Affairs)
It's at this point that you should be crying foul because I clearly have more than 10 on my top 10, but I don't care. USA has a formula for success, and all of these shows follow that format to a certain degree, ergo, they get the

same spot on this list.
Burn Notice is clearly USA's most accomplished and aberrant program, deviating from the lighter than air elements of its cohorts with some serious drama. The season finale was off the hook fabulous and if I had to choose one show to put on this list,
Burn Notice would easily take the cake. I really do enjoy the other shows listed as well, however, and wanted to give them some props. As a network, USA has created a brand that appeals to the masses without being completely devoid of quality and they deserve some recognition for that.
*Honorable Mentions*Modern Family
"Don't bite my head off, Mitchell. I'm not a pack of batteries!"
Lone Star
I hardly knew ye... It's hard to know where this show would have ended up if I had seen more than two episodes, but after only those two, I was invested hook, line, and sinker. Here's hoping we get to see the rest of the taped episodes someday...
Southland I'm actually pretty excited for this one to come back. Who'd have guessed?
Glee This show is hit or miss, but when it's hit, it's one of my favorites.
Dexter Not their best season, but it's still a hell of a show.
Top Chef
So You Think You Can Dance
Work of Art: The Search for the Next Great Artist
The Next Food Network Star
Top Chef: Masters
And no,
Project Runway did NOT make the list. I don't like to reward bad behavior, and crowning what's-her-face (Gretchen) the winner of
anything is simply inexcusable.
I Shouldn't Be Alive2)
Mystery Diagnosis
Locked Up Abroad
There are a lot of other categories out there that should probably be explored, but when I started compiling a list, it became pretty daunting. There is one more honor that has to be bestowed, however, and it's something that I like to think had a hand in garnering a top ten finish for the show...
Kate Beckett (Castle)
If I never see that mullet of hers again, I'll be a happy, happy viewer. Way to grow out the "business in the front", Kate. It was that or lose the "party in the back"... Either way, something had to be done.
I think that haircut last year was the sole reason I didn't watch Castle.
You really need to get paid for writing about television. Seriously, I browsed for a job posting for you yesterday just for the hell of it.
I love that you added in a "Best Haircut" to the list. Nice touch, now you need to add best actor and best actress and best actor that you can't stop drooling over.
I agree with Anna, you need to monetize your blog or get some sponsors!
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