My determinations also had a lot to do with buzz about certain shows. I have yet to see the full pilots, but a number of people in the biz have. Depending on how much I trust their opinions, some shows were moved around a bit. Long story short, my perceptions of the trailer aren't the only factor here. This is a list of what I think is worthy of an audience and what isn't. I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again, fair warning.
I've been told on numerous occasions that my blogposts are entirely too long, so for those of you who don't care much for readin', I'm including a measure for my level of stoked-edness. The Stokeometer, if you will, ranging from "Not Even Kind of Excited" at 0 to "Can Hardly Contain Myself!" at 10.
These are in no particular order, but I tried to keep the midseason offerings at the bottom. I may have missed on though. Networks seem hell-bent on keeping some of the best options till the dead of winter which is weird, and inexplicable, and hard to keep track of.

- Once Upon a Time
Of the shows premiering in the fall, this one probably tops my list. From the trailer alone, it looks like it could go either way, but chatter online promises that it may just be the best new show of the fall. Count me in!
* Stokeometer Level: 9
- Person of Interest
If this is even half the show the creative team behind it would suggest it will be, I'm completely stoked. It looks to be a slick thriller with a hell of a cast. Assuming it shies away from being too procedural, this should be pretty amazing.
* Stokeometer Level: 7.8
- Ringer
It's hard to say how excited I'd be if Buffy weren't at the helm, but thankfully, she is, so I can't help but be excited for this one. I may be setting myself up for disappointment here, but when it comes to the Whedonverse, I'm a perrennial optimist (even if not at any other time).
* Stokeometer Level: 8.5
- The Secret Circle
Well, I was skeptical of The Vampire Diaries at first, and look where that ended up (i.e. Awesomeville). I'm more than a little dubious about the cast, and I'm a bit worried that Kevin Williamson will be spreading himself too thin, but I can't help but be excited for any and all projects that are even tangentially associated with Ian Somerhalder.
* Stokeometer Level: 8
- Terra Nova
This is one that, based only on what I've seen (i.e. the trailer and various articles), I probably would have put in the DVR category. What can I say? When I hear that a show will appeal to everyone, ages 9 to 90, I become a bit leery. That said, critics in the biz are singing its praises. It looks to be one of the biggest premieres of the fall and I'll certainly be there to see if it lives up to the hype.
* Stokeometer Level: 7
- Pan Am
On paper, I wasn't all that excited at all. But, based on the trailer and a run down of the creative team, I'm surprisingly intrigued by this one. I'll be starting Mad Men (which is finally on Instant Play) in the coming months, so Pan Am should make for a nice companion piece.
* Stokeometer Level: 7.3
- New Girl
Okay, wow, of all the shows that were influenced by critical reaction online, this one has to be the top of the heap. I'm no fan of Zooey's, but everyone seems to think this show is amazing and that it could be the next big thing. I have my doubts, but I'm actually really hoping to eat my words (which isn't to say that I'm chomping at the bit either).
* Stokeometer Level: 6.2
- Suburgatory
This one isn't so much a "Can't wait!" as a, "This could be something really special". I wouldn't say I'm on pins and needles, but it looks like it has a hell of a lot of potential. I have to admit, I hate the title, but if that's the worst thing I can say at this point, they m
* Stokeometer Level: 6.9
- Revenge
Ooooh, I'm actually very intrigued by this on, even with Emily van Camp at the helm. It looks like the kind of concept that will fall apart after the first season, but that's okay. I'm still looking forward to it, even if not for the long-haul.
* Stokeometer Level: 7.5
- Scandal (midseason)
This was a tough one. The pessimist deep within (and, let's face it, without) is sure that this will be a disaster on par with Shonda's other recent shows, but I can't help but be intrigued. It looks like a step out of the box for her (even if just a toe) and I have to remind myself that, back in the day, I actually really enjoyed Grey's Anatomy. In hopes that she captures that again, I'm excited. Plus, Desmond!!!
* Stokeometer Level: 6.7 - Smash (midseason)
Oh, midseason. Why must you be so far away? This is far and away the show I'm most excited about, but it's hard to maintain that kind of enthusiasm through the next 6 or 7 months. Still, my love of musical theatre combined with my love of TV? Yes, please!
* Stokeometer Level: 9.5
- Apartment 23 (midseason)
This one looks just quirky and snarky enough to be awesome. It combines actors from all sorts of shows that I've adored in the past, so I couldn't really ask for more. Here's hoping they don't blow it, becausethey really do have a ton of things going for them.
* Stokeometer Level: 7.4
- Good Christina Bitches (midseason)
Or GCB, for short. Or lame. Title notwithstanding, this looks completely awesome and stars our good friend Olive Snook. I hate that it's held till midseason, but hopefully that will give them time to figure out a different title. GCB is not going to work, people.
* Stokeometer Level: 9
- Alcatraz (midseason)
This one is the most perplexing in the "why the hell are they waiting till midseason" category. It's high concept, but it looks to be fairly procedural, starsHurley, and is produced by JJ Abrams. I'm excited and so is everyone else. Here's hoping that excitement lasts for a very long time because this one is going to be a very long wait.
* Stokeometer Level: 8.8
- Awake (midseason)
With procedurals taking over the airwaves, it's very nice to see a high concept, cerebral show coming down the pike. I'm sure they'll try to throw in a fair bit of weekly one-off storylines as well, but this one is inherently serial, whether viewers like it or not. Me? I like it. A lot.
* Stokeometer Level: 8
When I put these shows into this category, it mainly points to some conflicted feelings. I think they look good enough to give them a chance, but they could also get kicked to the curb after the pilot. Appointment TV? Perhaps not. But they all seem to be worth giving a shot.
- Prime Suspect
I want to be excited about this one, but it's a remake of a British show (which are almost invariably superior) and the concept just seems dated. It's also a cop show, and more than likely, 80% procedural. That said, the trailer was intriguing and Maria Bello seems to do a lovely job. With reservations, I'll be watching.
* Stokeometer Level: 5.5
- The Playboy Club
I was on the fence about this one after the trailer, but it looks like it could turn into a fun, sudsy, night-time soap drama, which could make for a nice guilty pleasure. That said, if the religious right and the conservative nutjobs of the world have their way, it could get very difficult to actually see this show on the air. This might be a "watch online" venture whether it's awesome or not. Dear Religious Nutballs, In what universe is Law & Order: SVU totally inoffensive, but a show like The Playboy Club isn't? Apparently, in whatever universe that may be, it's just good family fun to see countless women get brutally raped, tortured to death, and dismembered, but seeing them dressed in 1960's bunny girl outfits is simply going to far. Wouldn't want to see people actually enjoying sex, now would we? Bastards.
* Stokeometer Level: 6
- Up All Night
I'm honestly not all that excited for this one, but it has a stellar cast and the trailer had some charm to it. That said, I hate children, so this could easily be a good show that just isn't my cup of tea. At the very least, it should be a quality production with some decent bones to build upon.
* Stokeometer Level: 4.8
- The River (midseason)
This looks like it could be an excellent show, but it just doesn't really strike me as the kind of show I'd really get hooked into. I think this one will get lost in the midseason shuffle and will have a hard time finding a consistent audience. In short, I don't think it's going to set the world on fire or anything.
* Stokeometer Level: 4
- Grimm
Sigh. In theory, I should be uber-excited for this one. Between the creative team, the Whedonverse connections, and the base concept, this sounds like it should be well within my wheelhouse. But, and it's a big but, the trailer was pretty abominable and I have serious reservations about them pulling this off. In the fairy tale royal rumble, my money's on Once Upon a Time.
* Stokeometer Level: 5.2
- Free Agents
Speaking of my Whedonverse allegiances, it's Giles! In short, if the lead couple can create some real chemistry between them, this could be a fun little time killer. If not, it's dead in the water, with or without Giles on board. In many ways, I'm more afraid of this one than not. I hate seeing actors I love in sub-par shows... here's hoping it's better than it looks.
* Stokeometer Level: 4
- Hart of Dixie
I've heard online that this one is actually quite charming. I don't think I'll ever believe Rachel Bilson is a doctor, but if I'm willing to suspend my disbelief for shows like True Blood, surely I can force myself to stretch it even farther and believe that Bilson is anything but Summer Roberts. The creative team has a number of credits that I've adored in the past, so with any luck, they'll make this one work.
* Stokeometer Level: 5
- Man Up
Well, it looks better than some of the comedies coming this fall, so I'll give it a chance. It might be that I watched the trailer for this one right after watching the trailer for Last Man Standing, but this looks pretty decent. I can't say I'm excited, per se, but it looks less awful than some of the others? Low bar...
* Stokeometer Level: 3.9
Ugh. These are the shows that I might not even screen the pilot. Knowing me, I will, but that's only for the sake of saying I've given it a chance. I can't imagine any of these will defy my expectations and become a show worth watching.
- I Hate My Teenage Daughter
This looks like one of the many comedies that I don't find comedic at all. If the base concept weren't enough to turn me off, the execution is.
* Stokeometer Level: 1.1
- Finder
Unlike most of the shows on this list, I actually kinda sorta have seen the pilot for this one (the backdoor pilot in Bones), and I was not impressed. Bones is mediocre enough, but this goes one step further. I've heard they're overhauling it in a number of ways though, so maybe they'll be able to make it watchable.
* Stokeometer Level: 2.2
- Last Man Standing
This looks to be the most painfully unfunny, loathsome new show of the fall. Why oh why is anyone giving Tim Allen his own show? And why are they allowing him to play the same unfunny character he played in Home Improvement? Ugh.
* Stokeometer Level: 0
- Work It
Painful. Just painful. If you're one of those people who thought it was hi-larious for the football players to dress up as cheerleaders, however, sign yourself up.
* Stokeometer Level: 0.8 - Unforgettable
Yet another crime procedural. Stupid bent. No, thanks. If I were more of a procedural fan in general, I could be okay with this, but I can only take procedurals in small doses.
* Stokeometer Level: 2
- A Gifted Man
This is a well-made show with a fine cast, but it looks absolutely awful. Sappy, cheesy, melodramatic, and lame, I don't think I'll be signing up for this one.
* Stokeometer Level: 1.6
- Charlie's Angels
This looks pretty awful. From what I've read, it's prettysub-par, even for people who love this kind of thing. Hell, even the websites that I frequent that are always nice have some negative things to say. Odds are I'll have way more than that. I think this one will open big, then fall off sharply week-to-week.
* Stokeometer Level: 2
- Whitney
I've heard that Whitney Cummings is actually pretty funny, but when watered down to network levels, any and all bite from her comedy routine gets lost.
* Stokeometer Level: 1.5