Thursday, December 4, 2008

Prop 8--The Musical

For those of you out there who were as dismayed and disappointed that Prop 8 (or as I call it, "Prop Hate") passed as I was, please enjoy the clip below. It doesn't erase the bigotry, but it helps ease the pain.

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

My only other consolation is that I fully expect this will be a non-issue in 10 years and people will look back with incredulity that society was ever so backwards. I look at the moral outrage over miscegenation a few decades ago and it's hard to even fathom. Today, it's unbelievable that interracial marriage was ever a controversial issue and I'm holding out some optimism that gay marriage will follow suit. I'm very hopeful that in the coming years the prejudice and bigotry will be overcome and that reason and equality will prevail.

I believe in equal rights and privileges for all people of all backgrounds and the thought that people are still trying to subjugate others to a station that is lesser than their own makes me physically ill. Here's hoping for better things to come.

1 comment:

Joswha said...

I'm so glad you posted this! Pure brilliance!