So yeah, I've been seeing post after post on blog after blog about Christmas and I've been feeling some serious pressure to reply in kind. But, given that this blog is almost entirely devoted to TV, I really haven't been able to come up with much. Seriously, I don't even have label for a post about Christmas. I keep staring at the empty space next to the "Labels for this post:" title and I gots nothin'... Although it totally just made me laugh that the list of examples blogger gives next to the labels designation includes "scooters." My god, if I had a nickel for every blog entry I post about scooters! Seriously? Scooters? I have to seriously question the life choices of anyone who has enough scooter-related activity in their lives that they need a label for it. Wow. And the thought that anyone would need a quick means of accessing all the thrilling scooter posts is just as sad... And that's coming from a person who has three labels that have "TV" in their titles. Sad.
But then again, I just blathered on and on about scooters for no apparent reason, so what does that say about me?
Oh well, in the spirit of the season, and in sad, pathetic conjunction with core interests in life, here is my Christmas wish list.
My TV Christmas wish list, that is... Here's what I'd like to see:
1) I'd like to see Grey's Anatomy return to its former glory. I'm not sure
2) I'd also like to see Heroes return to its former glory. The latest episode is still sitting in my DVR list, untouched, and completely untempting. I seriously just re-watched all of Gossip Girl season 1, made my way through all the holiday classics that were on hand, and started knitting a hat rather than watch a new episode of Heroes. I'm no TV producer, but that's more than likely a bad sign. Quick fix? As with GA (Grey's Anatomy, as oppose

3) I'd like House to regain its footing. While still a solid show that I thoroughly enjoy, the revamp did more harm than good as far as

4) The only way to make Gossip Girl any better would be the inception (which suddenly doesn't look like a word, for some reason) of a 52 week season. Oh, and the dismissal of Vanessa and Aaron. Oh, well lookie

5) The resurrection of Pushing Daisies and Dirty Sexy Money. Hmm... maybe I should wait till Easter for that request... (I'm always a little uneasy about making religious jokes because I just don't have the background to make them accurate all the time. Not that Moroni 11:17 isn't a very important passage or anything, but Ann seems to think it doesn't exist...)
6) I'd really like to have something, anything, to watch on Sundays. It used to be such a good night for TV and now it's got a whole lot of nothin'. Bah!
7) I'm really wishing that the new slate of midseason replacements will have some winners. I'll be posting about what's to come in the next couple of weeks. So far, there are definitely a couple I'll be keeping my eye one, but there's also a whole lot of crap to be avoided.
8) Scooters.

9) I miss that wonderful, joyous feeling I used to get by watching The Office and want it back. I still love the show, but I defy anyone to tell you that the current season can really stack up against past seasons. I know, I know, it's blasphemous to say such things (and believe me, I've gotten more than enough heat for uttering such unutterables), but it's true. Just accept it.
10) I'd really like to see American Idol die a swift, yet agonizingly painful death. W
There are a lot of other things I'd like to see happen with my shows, but I have accepted that good things will never happen, so I should just give up now. Words to live by.
Happy Holidays!!!
Can I just say amen to your verdict for American Idol?! That show is honestly like watching a fat lady in a tube top using her press on nails to gouge her name in a chalkboard! Die Idol!
Best holiday post ever. (This is said without an exclamation point at the end because it is so matter-of-fact...best holiday post ever. Period. End of story.)
So this isn't in response to your post, but I wanted to let you know that I don't hate Gilmore Girls anymore. I don't love it yet, cause who really talks like that, but it is definitely entertaining. Thanks for letting me borrow it.
lacy has never let me borrow anything. lacy, do you not trust me because i'm latin or because i am from a third-world country? thanks a lot.
it's a bummer we haven't hung out, because I got you this for christmas:
WOAH sorry that a big link. Hope it works. But yeah, I'm keeping it now, since we never see each other. Sucks to be you.
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