Monday, December 15, 2008

Oooh, just missed him...

Ha! This is one of the best clips I've come across in a good long while. I watched it like 35 times last night. If the guy hadn't yelled at our doofus-in-chief just prior to hurtling his shoes, he would have hit our lame duck square in the face. I'm pretty sure that would have been the only way to make this clip better. :) Oh, how I wish he'd have actually hit him. Awesome.

As you can see, it's not for lack of effort. He really threw those suckers as hard as he could. But unfortunately, I'm guessing Bush has been hunting with Cheney enough times to be rather skilled at ducking...

Better luck next time, intrepid journalist. And how about throwing daggers or a grenade instead of shoes? :)


chucho said...

holy shit, that's crazy!!!
i feel bad the poor guy got his ass kicked after...

Lindsay said...

I saw that last night on MSN. I loved your comment about hunting with Cheney.

Annie said...

Haha! I just ran across this gem I thought you would appreciate: