Now, they didn't really have my hair, so this is what I like to think I would have looked like had I lived in that era:
For those of you who know the people who work in my office, you'll be shocked by just how accurate some of these are (and totally inaccurate others are--no one in the office actually wears an eyepatch, but I defy you not to know exactly who it is). I'll just let you guess...


In case you couldn't tell exactly who everyone is supposed to be, here are the answers:
#1 Jack (he weighed in on this depiction more than a little bit)
#2 Brett (I think the eyepatch really sells the look... especially at a picnic...)
#3 Ammon (my personal favorite--it really couldn't get more Ammon-y without being an actual picture of Ammon)
#4 Annie (she really does have arms, but the dark gloves kind of make them hard to see)
#5 Blair (and his lovely wife Stacey, who apparently likes to chain-smoke at 7 a.m.--we didn't actually construct Stacey, the wallpaper just happened to have a blonde woman already there for us)
#6 John (seriously, spot on. We actually chose a set of eyes that made him look less worried, lest you think we went overboard...)
#7 Ann (Ammon pointed out the neck scarf as a particularly Ann-ish quality)
Holy cow, I didn't see Brett's before! This is totally Brett. I am still floored by Ammon's picture.
I thought it was the blue eye shadow that was distinctively Ann.
I guess they don't have an 50's/60's avatar for me unless it was be a white man playing an Chinese woman.
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