Well, after several weeks of heralding Nikita as the only network show to grace my top tier, I finally found a kindred spirit this weekend. Missy, we need to talk more often. :) Granted, the other two people at lunch were bored to tears listening to us natter on about a show they don't watch, but I had to embrace the opportunity while I had the chance. (I generally try to keep discussion topics group-wide, but what can ya do...) And yes, we stumbled onto the subject of Nikita off Annie's mention of Uzbekistan (sort of). You know, because that's clearly the most likely segue.
Anyway, knowing that there's actually someone out there who's enjoying it as much as I am makes me more excited to write about it.
The show has its faults, but overall, it's an exciting spy thriller that leaves me genuinely excited for next week after each episode. After the pilot, I was pretty entertained and willing to keep it in rotation, but after a few weeks, I found myself kinda sorta giddy for each new episode. I wouldn't say it sneaked up on me, but it has certainly proven to be more addictive than initially believed.
It's kind of remarkable that the show works at all. There are more than a few absurdities along the way, but I'm having such a good time with the show that I'm willing to let a lot of things slide. The conceit has some inherent limitations that inhibit the story to a certain extent, but overall, the writers make it work surprisingly well. Seriously, when I first looked at the set-up, I never would have guessed that it could work. At its core, this show has its lead actress and heroine essentially all alone. Aside from internet communications with Alex, Nikita basically has no one to talk to for 43 minutes a week. That's a foundation that shouldn't work, but somehow, they make it work. That isn't to say that it's a dynamic that I hope persists. I have found that I enjoy the show the most when Nikita does have someone to work with or talk to. Maggie Q is absolutely delightfu

This all brings me to the most recent episode. When I first saw that Shane West had been cast as her former handler, I was pretty underwhelmed. I've never had any real opinion of

Don't get me wrong, I love the cat and mouse of it all, and I really think that at some point, Division is going to do something to Michael that causes him to team up with Nikita officially, but until that hap

So yeah, this show keeps getting better and better, but I'm afraid this most recent outing marks a precarious turn in the show's development. Long story short, couldn't Michael and Nikita team up always? Pretty please? Um, no. Yeah, that bridge has been burned... like, Burn Notice-style, thermite-immolation burned. Okay, I can see where Michael is angry, but seriously, would it really be that much of a victory to kill the man who killed your family only to die seconds later? Sure, you'd have the satisfaction of taking out your arch enemy for a very brief moment, but shouldn't a trained operative have the capacity to assess the situation and decide that it wasn't the right time? I don't know. It sounds like he had a hell of a time tracking this guy down, so I suppose he felt like this was his only chance, but still. Maybe it's just the sadist within me, but I'd want the guy to suffer and I'd want to be there for it. Michael's plan, if he even managed to kill Mo Mo (I can't remember the character's real name), which is kind of unlikely on its own, would barely qualify for a Pyrrhic victory, let alone a flat-out win. I guess when this much emotion is tied up in a cause, it doesn't really matter if you live or die. The show did a hell of a job making their falling out as heartbreaking as possible. That last conversation between Nikita and Michael where she's begging him not to do it was surprisingly effective. I knew what Nikita was going to say, but Maggie Q brought enough desperation and despair that it was still pretty devastating. At the end of the day, she'd rather have Michael alive and hating her than dead and she was willing to destroy what they had in order to do it. Again, I could see how things were going to unfold, but that didn't lessen the impact. Well done, show. Well done.
Moving forward, it's hard to know what to expect. Michael is now more aligned with Division than ever and Nikita is back out in the cold again. I don't know what's going to happen in the second half of this sea

1 comment:
ok guess what??? I LOVE this show too!!! considering its right after Vampire Diaries I figured I would give it a shot and I am hooked. I am a HUGE Alias fan so I think that helps as it has sorta...well..ALOT of the same storylines as my beloved Sydney Bristow. I agree that some parts are still lacking but for a first season show, I am really liking it! So thanks to the CW I really look forward to Thursday nights again!!!
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