I had always known that the show had three creators, but until I actually saw the episode credits listed for each, I could never really put my finger on exactly why the show was all over the place. I had a notion that the writing process was heavily collaborative, but after seeing the breakdown in episodes, it's pretty apparent to me that each writer has his own style, his own narrative focus, and a particular way of working with the show's foundation and characters.
My relationship with Glee is as inconsistent as the episodes themselves. It's hard to quantify exactly what makes this show a success to the general population, but for me, there are very specific aspects that make an episode a classic or an embarrassment. First and foremost, I love musicals, so even at its worst, I cut Glee a lot of slack. It's an incredibly difficult genre to work with at all, let alone week-in and week-out. The very fact that it isn't a crime procedural, medical show, cop show, or legal drama also wins it a ton of points. Glee doesn't have 50 years of predecessors to trade on and reference for pointers. They are making things up as they go along and are, by and large, doing a hell of a job. In terms of ratings, they are completely unbelievable. Their key demo ratings are insanely high and are consistent every week. It sends a good message to potential writers that a show that is so strange and would seemingly have a niche audience is such a success. To boot, the show has a more diverse cast than just about any other on the air with characters from a number of social, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, including characters with varying mental and physical ability levels. It honestly makes it hard to criticize. Throw in the show's recent focus on bullying, and its indictment of homophobia, and I'm willing to let weaker narrative points slide. The very fact that this show managed to make their Teenage Dream cover the biggest sellin

That said, this show is wildly uneven, and of the three faces of Glee, I'm generally only fond of about 1 1/2 of them. It has honestly been a good long while since I've seen a lot of the season 1 episodes, but I can confidently say that Brad Falchuk is far and away the best writer on the show, beating out Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan by a considerable margin. Before I looked closely at the lists of episodes, I thought of my favorites. Almost without fail, the episodes I've enjoyed the most were penned by

The show really falls apart for me when they don't even pretend to have a coherent storyline. On the one hand, I guess I have to give them some credit for being ballsy enough to not even try, but on the other, considerably larger hand, it annoys the hell out of me and is unwatchably dull. It's like musical pornography when there's just one shameless ploy after another to get us to the next song. I need meaningful connective tissue to really enjoy myself. There are certain episodes where I half expect a pizza boy to show up in class with something to sing about. All the non-singing is just a throwaway bid at loosely stringing together a bunch of songs. Ugh. A sub-genre of this kind of episode is the tribute episode. I have mixed feelings about these... While I grant that the lazy attempts at a story in episodes like the Madonna tribute, the Britney tribute, and the Rocky Horror theme episode are unengaging and mostly ridiculous, I do e

Of the three head writers on the show, I'd say Ian Brennan is the weakest link for me. He has some strong episodes to his credit, but there's more bad than good. When I thought of my least favorite e

All in all, I think Glee is going to go down in television history as one of the most aberrant successes on record. It really is a marvel that this hodgepodge of genres has some of the highest demo ratings on air. There's a lot of backlash for the show lately, and I can see where that would happen with such a popular show, but I'm hanging in there. By all accounts, this is a show that should have tanked. It doesn't fit into any of the standard genres and is a musical for god's sake. Just because it's a rollicking success doesn't mean it isn't a trailblazer, even at its worst. I'm hoping the show can keep up the momentum and I have my fingers crossed that Brad Falchuk will start writing more than his allotted third of the episodes. If not, at least I can theoretically count on every third episode or so being a classic. Quite frankly, with the exception of maybe a half-dozen network shows, that's a ratio to be proud of.
1 comment:
I agree 100% on your take of the writing teams' Jekyll and Hyde factor. I did the same thing and looked up the credits for each episode and dead on, the episodes I find myself watching more than once are brainchildren of Mr. Falchuk. Murphy is okay and does have some of the best "one-liners" and, well... lets not talk about the third.
The only thing I worry about is the escalation that the audience will expect as the show grows. Right now the show is a brand new concept. But being the great Americans we are, we're only focused for so long before moving onto the next shiny object. If they don't start to congeal their creative efforts for season three they're gonna take a hit. People will lose interest.(And heaven knows someone at Fox or over at CBS is working on a reality version of Glee, God help us.)
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