Tuesday, June 10, 2008

WALL-E vs. Short Circuit

Given Pixar's track record, I am looking forward to their new production, Wall-e, with quite a bit of giddy anticipation. I've never been particularly enamored of robots, so I was a bit apprehensive at first, but let's face it, cars really don't do anything for me at all (aside from getting me from point A to point B), and I loved Cars anyway. Granted Cars wasn't my favorite Pixar outing, but still a solid picture that I thoroughly enjoyed. Wall-e premieres later this month and I'm pretty excited. The reviews have been nothing but positive so far, and, aside from the threat of children being in attendance at the theatre [insert cold shudder and annoyed glare], I fully expect to be completely enthralled.

In several of the reviews I've come across lately, however, there have been more than a few, rather disconcerting comparisons to the 1986 craptasticness that was Short Circuit. While I admit there's a certain similarity between the physical designs of Wall-e and Number 5, I'm hopeful the similarities end there.

This trailer for Wall-e makes me quite hopeful:

Compare the charming trailer of Wall-e to the unbelievable creep-fest that is this scene from Short Circuit... I think we can all agree that Short Circuit set a very low, very quease-inducing bar that Wall-e won't come anywhere close to...

To quote the I Love the 80's review of this scene, "Oh geez... are they gonna make out?" Yikes and double yikes.


Anna said...

Oh but come on...Steve Guttenberg. Gotta love that guy.

Me said...

So Nate made me watch Short Circuit in the early years of marriage (WOW. I can actually say the "early years of marriage.") cause he said he loved it as a kid... yeah we laughed all the way through it, HORRIBLE just HORRIBLE!!!