Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kenliaga? Alexander McKenley? It's a toss up...

So the fifth season of Project Runway concluded last night and the obvious winner won, obviously. Okay, given Project Runway's history, the winner wasn't that clear-cut. We all remember that pathetic, no-talent, arrogant jackass Jeff winning two seasons back, right? And Wendy Pepper beating out our beloved Austin go to fashion week? Well, this season had the most ridiculous and egregious judging to date, so when it came down to the final runway show, the obvious winner was Leanne, but the way this season played out, I could see them sneaking Suede back into the mix in some crazy final episode twist or something. (Speaking of Suede, if you want to see some seriously painful "fashion," go check out his runway show. Wow, who knew fluorescent pink ties could make such a fetching skirt? Rainbow Bright and Cindy Lauper must be simply beside themselves.)

Anyway, I was pleased to see Leanne walk away with the prize, but I was mostly pleased to see this dismal season put out of its misery. The challenges were uninspired and unoriginal, the designs were pretty underwhelming and downright pathetic most of the time, and the designers themselves left much to be desired. Blayne should have been ousted after the first challenge--wait, strike that, he never should have made it on the show in the first place. Well, now that I think about it, it was unfair to single out Blayne in such a way given that such statements can be applied to half the cast. Oy, it was a long season. It made Season 3 look positively brilliant by comparison.

Anyway, it all came down to Leanne, Korto, and the hideous bitch goddess Kenley. I really enjoyed Leanne's collection and thought it was very modern and original. Korto's collection was fine, but predictable. And then there's Kenley "I wasn't going for elegant, Heidi!" Collins. Yep, still as bitchy as ever. Although if you see her in any interviews, apparently in Kenley's Rules of English, she's just "real." If "real" is equivalent to "bitchy," then she's the most authentic, truest soul alive. Oh, Kenley. No wonder you didn't have any friends growing up. And still don't have any... When you laugh at the people you call your friends on the runway, they probably aren't going to be your friends much longer. Although if Kenley's Rules of English are being applied again, maybe when she says "friends," she actually means, "people who don't actively set me on fire."

Anyway, the judges actually made the right call last night, but not without controversy. Their main concerns with Kenley's collection were that several of the pieces looked like knock-offs of other designs. Having looked at the comparators, I have to agree... In addition to a couple of other looks that were supposedly copied (apparently her bridesmaid dress was a copycat as well), the two below were the main bones of contention. You be the judge.

Kenley's wedding gown (at left) and Alexander McQueen's gown (at right):

And Kenley's hideous-no-matter-whom-she-copied floral nightmare (at right) and a Balenciaga creation (at left):


Anna said...

Ha-ha...such a good review. As you know, I don't have access to Bravo but your review was so funny. In my opinion this Kenley seems to be good at finding "inspiration" from others.

Tara Shirley said...

Kenley sucks.

Lindsay said...

Man, I wish had been reading your blog back when the show was on. I totally hated that Keith guy. What a whiner!