Monday, July 14, 2008

Seriously? Again? Okay, who greased the runway?!

Awesome. For the second year in a row, Miss USA fell flat on her ass in her evening gown during the Miss Universe competition on Sunday. At this point I can only assume that some of the other countries are taking out some well-deserved anti-USA aggression on our contestants. That, or Miss 2008 was so worried about repeating Miss 2007's screw-up, that she was doomed to repeat it. Either way, it's fun to watch pretty girls fall down. At least Miss 2008 didn't bounce... And had the good sense to just own it and not pretend it didn't happen... Poor Miss 2007...

Miss USA 2008 Falls (heh)

Miss USA 2007 Falls (hehehe)

At this rate, I simply cannot wait for what the new Miss South Carolina will have to offer in this year's Miss Teen USA competition.

Who could forget...

Annnd, this is just insanely awesome...

"Everything we teached her..." Solid. Gold.

1 comment:

TomKat said...

I'm glad I saw this at home because I was laughing out loud. I love the great representation of the US