Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saddest part? Palin actually is this stupid...

Hey peeps... The presidential race just gets scarier and scarier. The thought of McCain as president is bad enough, but the knowledge that he probably won't survive the next four years sends a cold shudder down my spine. In the horrifying event that the McCain/Palin ticket makes it to the Whitehouse and McCain keels over dead (as 72-year-old cardiac patients are wont to do), we would actually be faced with the apocalyptic prospect of having Sarah Palin running the joint... I don't know how many of you saw the Katie Couric interview with Palin, but it was positively disturbing to watch. Sarah Palin makes George Bush look well-informed and articulate. Those are words I never thought would escape my lips (or, you know, keyboard).

The clip below is really hilarious and Tina Fey and Amy Poehler knock another one out of the park, but the fact that the spoof and the actual transcripts of the interview are pretty much the same thing is sobering and terrifying. She really is just about the dumbest person alive. Wow.

Not that I think a soccer mom/beauty contestant who thinks dinosaurs lived 4,000 years ago shouldn't be president or anything, but... wait, no, that is what I think. The woman really thinks that proximity to Russia constitutes foreign policy experience! Does she realize that all the actual Russian politics occur clear over on the other side of the largest country on earth? I'm going to go out on a limb and say no, no she doesn't. Oy. She must be one of those people Miss South Carolina was lamenting...


chucho said...

my two fave parts are when Amy says that she looks adorable when cornered and when tina fey says "bono, the king of ireland." i laughed out loud on those.

chucho said...

holy shit, how PERFECT was GG tonight?! aaaah! LOVE IT.