Various disasters from last year's development slate have led to quite a few new pilots for fall. I'll be posting clips of everything in the coming weeks, but for now, see below to see who made it and who didn't. I certainly hope their coming agenda has some winners because after last season, all they're really left with are modest ratings-getters and aging used-to-be powerhouses...
There really haven't been a whole lot of surprises with this year's upfronts, but ABC at least tried to shake things up with their pair of bubble shows, but only in that they were more generous than expected. For ABC, it's Network Cagematch: SciFi Edition (oooh!) between V and FlashForward. Turns out, my earlier predictions were correct.
I'm a little surprised and a little not. I had predicted earlier that V would survive and FF would get the axe, and although I was ultimately correct, at the end of the day, I had feeling both might be canceled, given V's less-than

Grey's Anatomy
This one comes as no surprise whatsoever, even if maybe it should. The show's ratings aren't what they used to be, the creative aspects have been hit or miss, and many of the shows breakout stars and original cast members have either hit the road or want to. I gave up on this sucker a couple of seasons ago and have no plans to give it another shot. I'd have taken it out back and shot it a long time ago, but its ratings are some of the best on the network, so it's not going anywhere.
Private Practice
Well, at least Grey's started out as a good show... Private Practice? Yeah, not so much. I suffered through about a season and half of this one and regretted just about every minute of it. I just kept expecting it to get go

The Bachelor/The Bachelorette
Hour-long embarrassments to humanity with each passing episode. In a world where For the Love of Ray J gets air time, you had to know these two crap piles would survive. At least they provide hilarious cannon fodder for The Soup week-in and week-out. So in that vein, welcome back!
Modern Family, The Middle, and Cougartown
Truly, this is the only area in which ABC's development slate from last season succeeded. I don't watch The Middle or Cougartown, but Modern Family is prob

Dancing with the Stars
...will obviously be back. I'm pretty sure the only way I'll ever get around to watching the show for real is if Johnny Weir competes next season, but until then, The Soup gives me as much as I'd ever want... and then some. I assume we all saw Bruno Tonioli (and I mean all of Bruno Tonioli) the other day? Wowzers, it was fun to see Joel look more than a little discombobulated by the situation. Awesome.
One of the very, very few hour-long successes for the network lately, Castle is one of my darlings and I'm thrilled it'll be back. It's nice being

Desperate Housewives
...will be back again next year, even in spite of creative decline and Nicollette Sheridan's caterwauling about being assaulted by Marc Cherry. The show is getting pretty long in the tooth and the ratings aren't what they used to be, but it's a solid performer (somehow). I certainly wouldn't have shed a tear if it were canceled, but apparently someone would.
Brothers and Sisters
I watched the pilot as I recall, but that was enough for me. It's yet another of ABC's aging dramas, however, so who knows how many more seasons it has left in it. Quite frankly, if last fall's crop of pilots had been more promising, I think some of these tired, stale shows would be in much worse shape.
***SHOWS THAT JUST... DIDN'T... QUITE... SURVIVE... (by which I mean most of them crashed and burned in spectacularly embarrassing fashion)***
...lost the SciFi battle and was rightfully canceled (among so many others). Okay, this loss is a bit of a shame, but not really. It started off promisingly enough, poised to be ABC's answer to Lost ending and presented

Better Off Ted
It comes as absolutely no surprise, but it still hurts. In all honesty though, the second season was a Dollhouse-sized miracle, so I'm mostly just grateful it survived that long. The anemic ratings, ridiculous

The show that just wouldn't die finally, finally has. After I don't know how many seasons on two different networks, the peeps at Sacred Heart can finally get new jobs and move on with their lives. I only caught this show on occasion, and not at all during the past few seasons, so I certainly won't miss it. From what I hear about Scrubs 2.0: The New Class (i.e. this past season), neither will anyone else.
The Deep End
Wow. Just, wow (the show, not the fact that is was cancelled). This was one of the most painful misfires I've sat through (although, to its credit, I did make it through the whole pilot--an accolade not afforded to all, Miami Medical). Grey's Anatomy + Lawyers = Awful, apparently. Yikes. It won't be missed.
Happy Town
Who's happy now!? Not ABC, that's for sure. This show never had a chance (and never should have been greenlit in the first place) and ABC knew it. I didn't even make it through the pilot. Aside from the fact that the pilot was bad, bad, bad, I

Romantically Challenged
Has been canceled after only 3 episodes aired. In my opinion? That's about two and three quarters episodes too many. This show's title alone was begging for cancellation, so this comes as no surprise whatsoever. "Comedically Challenged", "Ratings Challenged", "Acting Challenged" (holy hell, ACTING CHALLENGED indeed)... When those are the review titles floating around, you know the end is near. Hopefully this means

Ugly Betty
You know, I never watched a single episode of this show. Not even the pilot. I hear it was good... Maybe someday I'll give it a shot... No, probably not... (What can I say? I have a very busy viewing schedule as is, and given the number of shows I have waiting for me on DVD, I'm afraid Betty and her braces just never made it onto the list, and likely never will.)
The Forgotten
How's this for sad? The Forgotten was so bad and was cast aside so long ago that I forgot to put it on this list initially... Heh. Same goes for Hank, which doesn't even warrant a heading. Fortunately I'll never have to remember it ever again. Unless of course I end up on some sort of gameshow that focuses on embarrassing amounts of televisual acuity... (No, no, no, that's not my life's ambition at all. Silly rabbits.)
...is finally coming to an end, but you already knew that. Unlike Ugly Betty, this is a show that I absolutely intend to see one day. When will that day be? Who the hell knows, but at least it's been penciled in (quite an honor, I hear).
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