Fox has never had a third hour of primetime and they have a considerable amount of reality programming, so there really aren't a whole lot of shows to be fated... or whatever (that would be my English degree hard at work: I makes up words and I likes it). The midseason schedule is what really bulks up the slate. Anyway, as with the other network's, there's a would-be cagematch afoot: Lie to Me vs. Human Target. The prevailing notion was that it would likely be one or the other. See below for the exciting results! (Like how I try to make this seem like it's even moderately interesting? That English degree of mine is working overtime now! Finally, it's earning me all the wonderful things I... never ever thought it would...)
Aside from a handful of interesting pick-ups and drops (okay, not really), the biggest and BEST news to come out of the Fox Upfront? Less Idol. That's right, you heard me. Per my sources on the web, "Fox plans to shrink American Idol results show, cutting it to 30 minutes. The Tuesday performance show will be 90 minutes, which could be considered an expansion from its typically scheduled one hour, but Fox is known to frequently expand the show to two hours anyway." That may sound more like an expansion than anything else, but the real highlight of this is: Glee won't follow Idol anymore. Oh yes, Glee has been moved to Tuesdays at 7pm, which means it will anchor the night and not have to worry about Idol running long and ruining everyone's DVR plans. Me likey. :)
I'll put together a post about the new fall schedule and what pilots we have to look forward to, but for now, it'll just have to wait.
Well, I aimed for a more straight-forward approach this time, but here we are again. So, with just about as much blathering as ever, here's how things stacked up...
Lie to Me AND Human Target (surprise!)
In rather anticlimactic fashion, they both survived. A bit of a surprise, but no where near as bloodbathy (bloodbathic?) as one would have hoped. I had my money on Lie to Me surviving and Human Target getting the axe, but alas, they'll both be

American Idol
This juggernaut of horrible just keeps on truckin'. Much to my, and my DVR scheduler's chagrin. Bleckk. I'm hoping the new scheduling situation is as beneficial as I'd hope, but with Fox, you can just never be sure. They'll find a way to annoy me, you just wait and see.
With the highest key demo ratings for a scripted program just about anywhere, this was a foregone conclusion and the renewal was announced ages ago. I'm actually a little concerned for where things might go in season 2, but I can't wait to find out. Booyah!
So You Think You Can Dance
Never did I think I would ever care about dancing, but here we are. Even after last year's disappointing experiment with a fall

It's a third tier show at best, but it's watchable... I suppose. It seems to be getting less and less watchable with each passing episode, but for whatever reason, I keep watching it. Apparently so does everyone else.
Another forgone conclusion for the network, House was rather obviously renewed. I wouldn't have been too sad to see this one go, I have to admit. The past few seasons have plummeted this once privileged show into the lower rungs of my third tier. Fox will be sticking with it next year, but I can't be sure that I will...
I didn't hang in there long enough for this one, but I've been meaning to give it an

Kitchen Nightmares
You know, I can't stand this show, but after watching dozens of episodes of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (the original, British version, not the ersatz American version), I really love Gordon Ramsay. I wish to hell this show were more watchable. At any rate, it's back.
Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons, and The Cleveland Show
Yep, aside from Sit Down, Shut Up, the entire slate of animated comedies will be back next year. My god, how I wish The Simpsons would just be put out of its misery. I thought for sure that after more than a decade of being unwatchable, they'd finally end this once-stellar series, but no. Sad. Very sad.
Finally! Good lord, even hard core fans of the show are ready for this sucker to be put out to pasture. I honestly haven't ever watched too

'Til Death
I have no words to describe my disappointment that this piece of shit lasted as long as it did. Finally, finally, finally it's over. What an embarrassment this was. Bleck. "'Til Death" indeed!
Sons of Tucson
I never even realized this one ever premiered... so you can see where I'm just heartbroken that it's gone.
Past Life
Far and away one of the worst pilots I've ever seen, and I think we all know I've seen a lot of pilots. I think this waste of time survived for 3

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