If you haven't watched the
Chuck season finale, turn back now! No, seriously.
You thought this was going to be a geektastic juxtaposition of Wonder Woman and Superman, extolling the virtues of each and crowning one to be superior, eh? Yeah, not so much. But don't worry, it's only
slightly less geeky than that.
Chuck season 3 came to a surprisingly satisfying close last night after several less-than-stellar episodes before it. This season has been plagued since day one by the brass at NBC, so I tend to give the show a pass. Not only did they get pulled off

the air for nearly a year prior to the current season, but then they were given an initial order of 13 episodes (which they wrote and were well into production), and ultimately NBC decided they needed 6
more episodes, so Josh Schwartz and company had to kind of scramble. This is essentially two mini-seasons that had to be lumped into one. The first 13 came together quite nicely, but fitting an entire new story arc into only 6 episodes? Not so easy... With that in mind, I'd say I'm satisfied with how things played out. The past few episodes left a bit to be desired. To be honest, I wasn't all that stoked for the two-part season finale... until I actually started watching it and the show reminded me of why I love it. I wouldn't say they were the best two episodes ever or anything, but they really pulled everything together in an exciting, thoughtful way--a feat that I didn't think was going to be possible just a few episodes ago.
I'm going to try to keep this short, so bear with me... we all know that's not my strong suit.
As I've mentioned before, I actually quite enjoyed Shaw as a character early on and rather dug his and Sarah's onscreen chemistry and relationship. I realize I'm in the minority here, but I have to tell ya, having liked him initially, his turn into a big bad was all the more wrenching. If I had hated him from day one, I'm not sure the turn would have had as much gravity and impact as it

did, nor would his terminator-like return from ashes been so menacing. Awesome. I spent the better part of the episode thinking to myself (oh, let's face it, saying out loud, through gritted teeth), "I
hate that Superman!" The Ring always seemed like a bit of an amorphous enemy for team Bartowski, so it was nice to see Shaw really amp up the evil, because let's be honest, SD-6, it ain't. The Ring Elders always felt more like that people from the future in
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. You know, with the robes? And all the "Be excellent to each other" aphorisms? Not exactly striking terror into the hearts of millions there... I think Shaw acquitted himself admirably as a baddie when all was said and done, even if the whole "You killed my wife, prepare to die!" of it all left me a little underwhelmed.
Who better to go up against Evil Shaw? Well, I'd say Team Bartowski, but... they're all in custody at the moment... so, uh... Team Morgan? Well, all righty then... I was always a bit unconvinced by the "Morgan is a spy" angle the show was taking (even if it was entertaining, it just never really quite worked), but in the end, he really stepped up to the plate. The finale managed to integrate Mor

gan (and just about everyone else) in a more cohesive and logical way than in the entire rest of the season. In the first season, and even well into the second, the Buy More and all the ancillary characters were integrated into the fabric of the spy narrative brilliantly, hilariously, and seamlessly. Nowadays? Well, I've complained about the inexplicable role of the Buy More for some time now, so when they
blew it up, I have to say, I was pretty excited to see it burn. And the fact that Jeff and Lester are the presumed bombers? Even better. I honestly don't know what the show is going to do with the Buy More aspect of the show next season. At present, they appear to be writing that angle out of the show. I, for one, won't be sad to see it go. Don't get me wrong, I love the Buy More crew and happily acknowledge that they've provided some of the best moments ever on the show, but it just doesn't fit anymore. It's hard to see the writers struggling to include them, you know? But, is
Chuck still
Chuck without the Buy More? The show is predicated on the notion that Chuck is a geek who is thrown into this crazy world of espionage and is in over his head. Well, this season Chuck became a real spy, so... where does that leave us? I think it leaves us with a more typical spy thriller rather than the goofy spy comedy of yore. Which is fine, but is certainly different. I'll be very interested to see where things go next season. They'll only have 13 episodes to work with (assuming they don't get a back 9 order, and I'm willing to wager they won't), so here's hoping they make the most of it.
How exactly will they make the most of it, you ask? Mama Bartowski, that's how. We all knew she'd show up eventually, but it was still fun and surprising to see her actually materialize. Man alive, the only way it could have been more
Alias-y would be if she had shot Chuck. "Mom?!" BANG!
Classic! My first impulse was, obviously, "Irina Derevko!" and while it would be beyond awesome to see Lena Olin play yet another evil-but-only-most-of-the-time spymommy, both my brother and I took one look at the back of Mama Bartowski's head and thought "Lynda Carter!" Yesseriebob, it has officially been decided that Wonder Woman needs to play Mary Elizabeth Bartowski next season, so hop to it, casting directors! Let's face it, Shaw escaped the season finale alive, so if he's going to come into play yet again next season, I think the only person to take Superman down once and for all would have to be Wonder Woman (and besides, she
totally looks the part). What's more, rumors have been speculating

about a Wonder Woman movie for a good long while and on most internet geek's shortlist for the role? Sarah Lancaster, aka Ellie Bartowski. It would be beyond spectacular, so here's hoping the powers that be decide to shine down on the little show that could and deliver an invisible plane, a lasso of truth, and some bullet-deflecting bracelets. :)
In other Parent Bartowski news, Papa Bartowski... didn't quite make it through the finale. I wish I could say I was sad to see him dead and gone, but he was annoying at best. Although he seriously won't be missed, I'm not loving the dynamic his death set up. Ellie has always gotten the short stick in the character department. She's been forced to play the wet blanket and smothering maternal element for way too long and now it has just gone overboard with the whole "we're all e

ach other has, so you better quit your day job, young man" ultimatum. Given the Mama Bartowski reveal, and, well, the basic concept of the show, I have no doubt her behest will get much attention in the coming season, but the thought of having to
hear her
whine about it is off-putting to say the least... I wish the show could find something substantive for her to do. I was so psyched to see her following Shaw and the captive Team Bartowski in her car, but then of course she loses them. I thought she was finally going to get something redeeming to do, and it once again falls to others. I used to like Ellie quite a lot, but as with the Buy More, it seems the writers have no idea what to do with her anymore. Sigh. The creative team has their work cut out for them in season 4. Here's hoping they rise to the occasion.
At the end of the say, I was starting to think that
Chuck had run its course and that I wouldn't have been too heartbroken if it had finally gotten the axe. But, presented w

ith the promise of Mama Bartowski next season (and in spite of the Casey-has-a-long-lost-daughter angle...ugh--it just didn't work for me), I'm actually pretty excited. Should they cast Lynda Carter, as we all know they should, I might just have to forgive any and all reservations or criticisms I've ever had of the show
ever. And then she and Superman need to fight. And she needs to win. :)
Anyway, season 3 managed to come together in the end and I'm pretty stoked to see what's in store for next year. Have a good summer, show. By which I mean, you'd better be working your asses off to figure out what the hell next season is going to look like because in spite of my suggestions, I have absolutely no idea what kind of an animal we'll be met with in the fall. Which is a good thing. Can't wait!
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